
class  BaseNode(T);

Genome used with the TreeGA. 'T' must be the type of the parameters and return values from the functions composing the tree.

const T  eval();

Evaluate the node by calling the wrapped function with  eval of each child

const uint  getNumChildren();

Get the number of children

const string  toString();

BaseNode!T  getChild(uint index);

Get the child at index by reference

const const(BaseNode!T)  getChild(uint index);

Get the child at index by const reference

void  setChild(BaseNode!T node, uint index);

Set the child at index to node

void  setChildren(BaseNode!T[] children);

Set the children. The length of children should equal getNumChildren()

const uint  getHeight();

Get the maximum number of nodes from this node to a leaf.

const BaseNode!T  clone(bool = false);

Get a deep copy of this node

string  name;

struct  TreeGenerator(T);

Generator used to create new trees for the population. A generator will also be passed to the mutator and crossover functions of the GA.

const auto  opCall(uint height);

Create a new Tree with a height of height

void  register(A)(A func, string name) if (is(ReturnType!A == T) && EraseAll!(T, staticMap!(Unqual, ParameterTypeTuple!A)).length == 0);

Register a function which cannot be known at compile time

void  register(alias func)(string name);

Register a compile time known function

void  registerConstant(T constant)();

Register a constant value (this will strip the '()' when printing the tree)

void  registerConstantRange(A)(A lower, A upper);

Register constants in the range [lower, upper).

void  registerInput(alias input)();

Register an input to the grown algorithm.

   int x;
   TreeGenerator!int gen;

   //Same effect as 'register!( () {return x;})("x");

const BaseNode!T  getRandomTree(uint height);

Create a random tree with height of exactly height

const auto  getRandomNode();

Create a random node

It is not safe to 'eval' this note immediately

const auto  getRandomTerminator();

Create a random terminator from the set of registered terminators

This set includes any registered function with 0 parameters, constants, and inputs